Monday, November 20, 2006

Fact Sheet Ideas (week 9)


List history, information, treatments, prevention tactics, types of the flu, medicine, flu shots, and symptoms so that employees can be informed about what the bird flu is, how to detect it, treat it and prevent it

Contact information of all employees and directors

List of essential and nonessential employees

List of websites, ressources, doctors, ,etc. for employees to get more informations from and treatment if needed.

Guidelines and procedures for employees and business continuity plans. What to expect, how payroll will be issued, the temporary dates that the offices will be closed, how to work from home, set up a blog, email, etc. in order to be able to work from home

Home care for the elderly, tutoring/care for employees kids who have to be out of school

Business Continuity (week 8)


Employees need to be informed on what kinds of disruptions they ned to anticipate if a disaster was to occur.
Communication is important here because employees are directly handling customers' money and cash orders. If ordering channels become unavailable, or if their office closes down temporarily, the employees need to know what offices are available/accessible. Employees will need to know contact numbers of other financial institutions in order to direct orders there if their current institution is down. They will need to know where to direct customers temporarily until their offices are back up and running.

Andrew Fernandes, from www.continuity says about communication:
"Effective and proactive communication will create and build the perception that the organization is under control; that the company knows and understands what is happening; and that it will resolve the situation. No matter how big or small an organization, creditability can be gained or lost during a crisis."


Communication is important here because employees need to be informed of alternate communications between Franklin Templeton and its customers, if a disaster or disruption were to occur. Also, they need to be notified if they are going to be transferred to another location temporarily, where their other employees will be located, contact information for other branches, etc.

In communicating with employees, a business should consider their location(where they live), how far they drive to work, their payroll, their position in the company (essential or nonessential employee), the days they work inorder to plan face-to-face meetings, what employees will do if they cannot come to work, the diversity of employees, the different needs of each employee, etc.


Difference of isolation and quarantine, according to:

"Isolation refers to the separation of persons who have a specific infectious illness from those who are healthy and the restriction of their movement to stop the spread of that illness. Quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of movement of persons who, while not yet ill, have been exposed to an infectious agent and therefore may become infectious. Both isolation and quarantine are public health strategies that have proven effective in stopping the spread of infectious diseases."