Monday, October 02, 2006

Chapter 4: Thoughts on "Quick Break 4.4" (week 4)

"The Customer is Always Right."

I'm not gonna lie...this is the most interesting thing I found in this chapter, because it's hilarious. It's funny how we have created this business system in America that stands on the motto....actually, that THRIVES on the motto: the customer is always right. Businesses HAVE to cater to every need of the customer, b/c they have to save and maintain their solid reputation.
This reminds me of the restaurant industry. I cannot think of a more appropriate example than waiting tables.
A customer wants to sit at the completely opposite table you originally sat them at: take them there--do what they want.
A customer thinks his food is not hot enough: Comp his meal and give his a gift certificate for $50 to ensure that he will come back (and not tell his friends his "terrible" experience with cold food...)
A customer calls you an idiot and belittles your profession, embarrassing you in front of the whole restaurant: You kindly smile and say, "Yes, you're day, though I hope to be just like you. Thank you for the advice."

Those are extreme examples, but believe me...I've come very close to having to deal with these kinds of situations. We live in a consumer-driven, highly-manipulative society. Businesses and organizations HAVE to cater the customers' needs, no matter how crazy or unfair they are, in order to thrive as a successful business that the public loves. It's a constant competition: Which businesses can get MORE customers by way of meeting their exact needs and catering to their ridiculous requests while possibly compromising their standards and their dignity...just to keep even ONE customer.
But this is the American dream we live in, right folks? I just thank God there's something more...

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