Friday, September 15, 2006

What is Your Definition of PR? (week 2)

Public Relations, according to the general public:

"A way to relate with the public. Promoting certain activities or a way the media connects with the people."

"Representing a company, being a spokesperson for a company, being able to cover up people's mistakes when something has gone wrong, trying to keep the peace with your customers."

"Talking to people and connecting people to others."

These were "wild guesses" taken from 3 different people when asked, "What is your definition of Public Relations." I was actually pretty impressed with the second answer. She came pretty close to one aspect of PR. "Trying to keep the peace with your customers." Representing a company is not all glamour and pizzaz. It is hard work. It is a huge responsibility to handle situations with dignity and honesty, trying to please customers and keep customers, while protecting your company's image at the same time--even when they are wrong. Hmmm...I wonder if all PR reps are always completely honest, or if there is always some dishonesty in representing their company well.

I've learned that PR is not all publicity. There is alot of behind the scenes work....tasks and duties that NO one ever sees or recognizes. PR is such a vague idea, and for a long time, I thought of it as something very simple.
I'm excited to learn more of what that even looks like, what kind of jobs there are avaiable, and if it's really al that it's cracked up to be. Because up until now (and I'm graduating in May), I still don't have a clear picture of what PR really is, and where I would be an asset in that field.

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