Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Crises Can Bring Positive Results (week 12)

A "Window of Opportunity" opens between the warning and point-of-no-return stages of a crisis. There are many potential benefits that can come out of a crisis, is planned and executed the correct way:

1. Heros are born.
2. Change happens, where it ususally wouldn't otherwise.
3. Problems are faced that normally wouldn't be addressed.
4. Attitudes, behavior of people are changed.
5. People who are hindering business are replaced with new people with fresh ideas.
6. New strategies evolve by learning lessons through the crisis.
7. Businesses develop early warning systems. Experience will cause them to be aware of warning signs and occurrences to detect future crises.
8. Confidence in employees and new competetive edges appear from the sense of teamwork in properly dealing with a crisis as a team, as a business.

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