Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Marketing vs. Public Relations (week 13)

Though marketing and public relations have some similarities, along with advertising, and though these three work hand-in-hand in some instances, there are differences. I will mainly focus on PR vs. marketing.

Public Relations is focused on MANY different publics, while marketing is focused on one major public, one major target market--the consumer.

Public Relations works with managing relationships between organizations and their publics. Marketing focuses on researching, creating, refining andpromoting a product/service and distributinng that to consumers that are targeted with this particular product.

however, though there are differences, marketing DOES affect public relations. PR practitioners are learning some aspects of marketing on the job such as using direct mail, product packaging, and other forms. Marketing also increases communications options of marketing public relations practitioners.

PR has also influenced marketing. It is a two-way process: They have to listen to their publics just like marketers do.

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